Monday, December 19, 2016

Oracle’s co-CEO seeks better trade deals at Trump tech summit

Oracle Corp. co-Chief Executive Officer Safra Catz said a meeting with President-elect Donald Trump and other technology industry leaders would be “very important,” particularly on the subject of international trade.

“Better trade deals are tremendously important to us,” Catz said at Trump Tower Wednesday. “We are net exporters — over 60 percent of our sales are overseas. So better trade deals are very much in our interest.”
Catz arrived early for the summit, which is scheduled for 2 p.m. in New York, because she said she has “other meetings” to attend.
The high-profile gathering is expected to focus mainly on jobs, but other topics of particular interest to the tech leaders include trade deals, and tax reform. On the campaign trail, Trump vowed to change trade pacts that shifted jobs overseas and said he would place tariffs on imports if necessary. He also said he’d aim to get Apple Inc. to make its products in the U.S.
Facebook Inc.’s Sheryl Sandberg, Inc.’s Jeff Bezos, Alphabet Inc.’s Larry Page and Eric Schmidt, Apple Inc.’s Tim Cook and IBM CEO Ginni Rometty — who is on Trump’s advisory panel of business leaders — are also expected to attend.

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